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Conversation Between savvyshamrock and bogart13

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2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey hun! Thanks for the vote of confidence. I honestly feel like I am loosing slow. :-)

    I am female and 30. My start weight was 230. The lower your start weight the slower it seems to come off. For exersize I have been slacking lately but I am doing a couch to 5k program I downloaded on my phone because one of my goals is to run a 5k.

    I also try to look at non scale victories as well. For me, i went shopping and had to buy a smaller size eventhough i was in a stall. I also put up my scale and only break it out once a week. I try to focus on how i fee not the scale cause I am convienced that mine lies. :-)

    But just remember that you are doing everything right and stressing out about it wont help. Keep up the good work hun. :-)

  2. Hey Savvy,
    I hope that you are well. I was looking at your weight loss.. You are doing great!!
    Just wondering are you m or f and your age and are you exercising??
    I am a female 48 and I am not doing as well but I know a lot depends on age and gender and exercise.
    I am exercising maybe I need to do what you are doing..
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