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  1. View Conversation
    Yes I'm a month out....had my surgery August 5th. So far so good! lets hope it stays that way. Thanks for your reply!
  2. View Conversation
    Hi tessa I see you had Dr Curry for your surgery.....then a leak? thats scary. I have Dr. Curry.....I have 1 more month of a supervised diet then I can schedule surgery. Would you use Dr. Curry or have the surgery again?
  3. View Conversation
    Hi Tessa I think we did our surgery on the same day...it's been a long sometimes painful road...that waking up during surgery was horrible, way worse than I realized it would be...you have done so well I'm so happy for you...I am doing ok but I have along way to go ...hoping that by posting on here I'll be more vigilant and focused on taking better care of myself...good to see your doing so well.
  4. View Conversation
    OMG! That is horrible! I'm so sorry to hear about your bad experience. I've been doing okay, nausea pretty much daily, comes and goes, some days I really have to push myself to drink enough water. I think that is what is making me nauseaous. I also think that I get a bit car sick now, which I used to be a flight attendant so never got motion sickness. I haven't dropped that much weight only 55 lbs since the surgery, 64 since the start. I have about another 80 lbs to go. I haven't embraced exercise yet, which I need to, I know that will help get this weight off. I really don't each much. I have a hard time getting a meal down, usually a few bites here and there. That is why it is so surprising that my body is holding on to this weight. My feelings were pretty hurt yesterday as my family didn't mention my weight loss until I brought it up and then they said "Oh, yes, you look like you have dropped some"....... I hope your kids are doing okay with you out of commission. I'll find you on FB so we can keep in touch better. Good luck going back to work. I'll be keeping you in my prayers.
    Again, I'm so sorry to hear about your medical problems after this surgery.
  5. Finally improving, I got off the TPN about a week ago, I get another CT Scan this coming week, then meet with surgeon Friday, hoping to get back to work next week. Down about 60 lbs so far.
  6. View Conversation
    Tessa: How are you doing? I've been thinking about you. Are you still w/ PICC line and TPN?
    Just concerned.. Let me know.

  7. View Conversation
    so how are you doing? I've been on a stall for the last 9 days! I lost 17 lbs the first week and then nothing the last 9 days. I am eating I'm just not able to get more than a few bites down. I'm working on my proteins to get 60 to 70 g a day and my water has been hard to get in at 60 oz a day. Maybe I'll focus on getting all my water in today and maybe more, maybe then i'll get back to loosing. Hope you are doing good!
  8. View Conversation
    too funny I just read your 1st post we ate pretty much the same thing for dinner. LOL
    Do you have a Trader Joes by you? My sister is working at a new supermarket that is like it in Cuyahoga Falls, not sure what its' called but I wonder if they have some by you.
  9. View Conversation
    I got the Aloe Water at Whole Foods and I got some Alo (line over the o) Exposed at Walmart it comes w/ pomegrante and cranbery juice, original & I think the other one was pineapple. I just had my 1 week follow up and was told I could move to soft foods. I went back to work today, like in Pretty Woman, BIG MISTAKE! BIG BIG MISTAKE! You were smart to not go back until the 7th! I had so much work and my boss who is a head and neck surgeon had no simpathy, though I did get a card from him. I worked 9 hours today. I was exhausted! The true definition of EXHAUSTED! I'm feeling better, my elastic pants were cutting into my belly and sitting straight in a chair as driving me. I hope now that I've started eating things and getting my protein shakes in I'll feel better. Glad this day is over! How big is a vienna sausage? Are those he ones that come in a little can? I was guessing the way I was feeling that more like a month it would be until I would feel better. I had eaten a few things before like yesterday I had baby food peas with some hummus in them to give it flavor, about 2 teaspoons of it. Tonight I was excited to eat some FF refried beans with some laughing cow wedge and some sour cream on top. It was yummy. someone else at the doc office suggested ricatta cheese and some marinarra (sp) on top for a lasagna type of taste. What other things are you finding to eat? I think I'll try tuna tomorrow.,
  10. View Conversation
    what did the doctor say for your 1 week check up? I called today and I can't see him unti Wednesday, the first day he is back in the office.
    How is your blurred vision? How are you healing? Have you had much pain?
  11. View Conversation
    I have such a hard time getting back to this page to respond. Anyway, doing better! I drove on Saturday and went to two stores, short trips but I got some concentrated Aloe, and also picked up some Aloe Water. It was great and expensive, but I will get more. They told me sugar free but it wasn't, I don't care, only 90 calories, though. The aloe is healing the inside too, but it helped me with my heartburn! Stomach still hurts kind of different now. My puppy jumped on my and pushed on my stomach and I also woke up yesterday coughing. It is a scratchy prickly hurt. I'm calling the dr office as soon as I finish this to see if they will see me today they said a week but never set a time. I'm able to drink my liquids but just at 60 oz. I ate a cracker and some laughing cheese (the soft triangle) last night. I just let it melt in my mouth first for both the cracker and the cheese. I did change to drinking ION4 powerade zero (sports drink) I make sure that I drink a bottle before I go to bed and it helps with the hydration. I also got some drink powder that had hydration on them. Try those. Are you having a hard time swallowing? I'm not, anymore, but sometimes I forget to sip and take a gulp and can feel it go down. Did you go through a depression? I did about Wed and Thursday! Not feeling like that anymore though.
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    I'm doing good, still taking pain meds but not as often. Not having any problem drinking, but I am not hungry or thirsty just drinking cause they told me to. Still pretty bloated from the gas not burping as much as I would like to. But all in all doing great. I lost 15 lbs on the one week pre op and 13 more since the surgery, so 28 lbs total. Have you vomited, i haven't , some nausea but not much. Glad to hear you are doing well. Take care, talk to you soon.

  13. View Conversation
    Just wanted to check in to see how your surgery went. Talk to you soon.
  14. View Conversation
    :-) I'm doing better every day! Must be dehydrated, Kidney's were aching this morning. Trying to get in my fluids even more today, I'm finding a straw gives me less burps. My blood pressure is up the past two days. and I tryed to mash my pill up it is a pretty big pill with a coating of some sort hard to mash and even harder to swallow, nasty tasting. I think I'm going to have to call the doctor's office to get a different high bloodpressure pill. Stomach muscles still hurt bad when getting up. Mostly now while laying down and getting up from laying down. I'm pretty surprised about the muscle pain, makes sense but no one had mentioned it, only the gas pains, which mine have been pretty minimal. Sure I burp after drinking and some tooting but nothing really bad as the muscle pain in my stomach. I can tell which one he did the most movement with. I had gained 5 lbs after the surgery and just this morning weighed in less 8 from that.
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    How are you?
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About tessa_ellis

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About tessa_ellis
Sleeved or not sleeved:
I have had a gastric sleeve.
I am 33 yrs old, have a 9 yr old son,and a wonderful husband of 10 yrs. I work as a Supervisor - Corrections Officer at our local County Jail, 12 yrs of service. I have been overweight since my childhood, yet I have always been very active, I cheered all through school, of course I was always the "Big Girl" & the Base, but never the less I was a 180 lb cheerleader :) I have a great sense of humor, and of course use it often to protect myself from being hurt over my weight. I love to perform, I have sang since I was 4 yrs old and love to be on stage, Big or Not ! I am the biggest I have ever been in my life and have finally put my foot down, its time for a change. I just started the process for weight loss surgery, initially I was interested in the lapband but after my seminar, I walked out wanting the Gastric Sleeve Surgery instead. I have my Dr. Consultation this week, Psych Eval, and meet with the Dietician. I am very excited and expect to have the surgery in the next couple months.
Singing, Motherhood
Corrections Officer - Supervisor
Gastric Sleeve Surgeon:
Dr. Trace Curry
Surgery date:



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Picture BEFORE 275.00 lbs. - before
Picture AFTER after - 179.00 lbs.

Member: tessa_ellis

Surgery date: 11/21/2011

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