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  1. Day 3 Post-Op

    Well, I'm on day three Post-Op and I am doing pretty well. I've been lucky with no nausea. I am drinking as much water and other liquids as I can. So far, I've thought about food a little, but it's not a nagging thought as it use to be for me. I hope it stays that way. I don't want to go back to my old ways.....EVER! I am amazed at how well I am feeling. I do get tired and my side, where they did the work from, gets to hurting every so often if I've been up and around to long. Other than that, ...
  2. Getting Closer to my surgery day.......

    My initial consult ended up being on 9/10/12. A lot of information covered. I had a blood test, passed my psych eval. etc. Monday 9/24 I will be getting sleeved on an outpatient basis. I'm both excited and nervous at my journey I have before me. I had to shake off the feeling of failure in the beginning, and the fear of losing my best friend and comfort......FOOD. I have high BP but really as far as health goes, food has not caused me to have a lot of issues. I know this is a good change for ...
  3. Consult appointment set

    Well, I have my consultation/evaluation appointment on 8/22. Right now it seems like forever, but hey it's just a week away. I am both excited and nervous to begin this new journey because I've done soooo many things in the past that have worked, but they have been short lived and I gain back everything I lost. When I try to lose again the same way I did, and had luck with, I cannot seem to get on track. I feel like a failure. It stinks. I just want to get this all done and over with. I've ...