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Conversation Between NewMeBy50 and duane

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18 Visitor Messages

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  1. Looking beautiful!!
  2. I'd be interested in seeing the 3x! I hope your hubby can get the surgery! Glad you are doing well! WHat part of the area do you guys live?
  3. Hi Ellen, please keep checking in, we can support each other. now get with it girl! :-) I'm good, finally had a stall this week. But I'm getting in my water and protein. Don't beat yourself up, lord knows we have done that too much! So tell me more about you!
  4. Hi Duane!

    UUUUGH... I have gained and lost the same 4 pounds since Christmas four times! I am STUCK. It's my own fault because that's what happens when I don't drink at 64 ounces water/day, do eat chocolate and do allow carbs to sneak back into my diet. The good news is that I have faithfully been journaling my food intake, so I'm able to see where I'm going wrong. Yes - I DO enter all the chocolate and carbs! And then I see the total number of calories for the day and just go, "Gosh, that's bad. I shouldn't do that." and still continue to!!! All I can advise is DON'T LET THE CARBS AND SUGAR BACK IN!!!! Baaaaaaad carbs and sugar!!! LOL!

    The other weird thing happening 7 months out now is that the "newness" of losing 75 pounds is wearing off and I'm seeing myself as "fat" again in the mirror. In a way, that's kind of good because it reminds me that I'm definitely not at my goal weight and that I have to be strong around my temptations. But, I do struggle with having to stop beating myself up and calling myself names. :-(

    How are YOU doing???
  5. Hey Ellen! How are you doing?
  6. Hey there Ellen! Congrats!!!! I'm looking forward to your next after pic!

    I'm healing up pretty well, but am am super tired of protein shakes! Looking forward to yogurt and cottage cheese Wednesday! My weight is down to 420, that's 19 since surgery on the 29th!
  7. Hi Duane - How's it going for you? Are you healing ok? I'm SUPER excited as I got under 250 today to 249.6!!!! WOO HOO!!! It's a great feeling - one that you'll be experiencing soon, if not already!!!
  8. Happy New Year! My first goal is to get down into the 300's, ultimate goal is 200 or lower. I will focus on this period for sure! My absolute highest was 471, my SW was 339. Looking forward to your next set of pics!
  9. Hi Duane! It's going well. Am down 70 pounds although it's been very slow-going in December. My advice to you is to take advantage of your immediate post-surgery ability to drop pounds quickly because in a few short months, you WILL be able to eat almost anything you want! Luckily, it'll be in small portions, but it's still so tempting. :-) With that being said, it's a new year and time to continue on my journey to a "New Me By 50." My ultimate goal is still 135; however, I would LOVE to get to 150 by my 50th birthday on 12/9/2015. What are your first and ultimate goals???
  10. How is it going?
  11. Thanks!
  12. It's a free website and they also have a free mobile app. It's very easy to track on their site because their food database is quite extensive.
  13. Congrats on the loss! Journaling I know it's key, I just hate having to look each item up online. Is fitness pal a website or app?
  14. I'm down a total of 59 pounds including the 10 I lost pre-surgery. And, shhhh don't tell anyone, I haven't even started exercising! But I have been using MyFitnessPal.com to track every morsel that goes into my mouth as I aim to get 80 grams of protein every day. I think journaling my food is the key to my success.
  15. What's your total so far? My Dr works with Snyder, I have two friends who also went with Snyder and love him.
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