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Conversation Between stephintexas and T-Bird

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15 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Steph, Just checking in. Looks like you are doing great. How are you feeling? I am doing pretty good. The weight loss has slowed a lot, but still really losing compared to pre-surgery days. I am loving looking in the mirror, LOL! I really need some new clothes now and it is so fun to have such a "problem"! do you have any fun plans for summer?

  2. How are you doing, Steph? Are you able to drink enough? I only did soft food for 1 day. The next day I had a scrambled egg (half of one). it didn't sit well and I felt crummy. I walked it off though. So I am back to full liquids for another week and then I'll try soft again. I don't get physically hungry, but I have times when I wish I could eat, but it isn't too bad. I am able to get myself busy with something else to get my mind off of food. This tool we now have sure helps that! I actually started to make some jewelry! It was fun!
  3. Today 189!!!!! I started at 217 pre-op. Lost 23 lbs before surgery- and lost 5 lbs since surgery. bUt, I did gain 10 lbs of fluid overnite in the hospital. It took me a couple of days to lose that water and get back to 194, When I came home from the hospital I weighed 204. Peed all nite and lost 8 lbs! LOL!!!! So, I am totally avoiding salt in any way. I bought lo sodium tuna , lo sodium everything. But, even lo sodium broth is too much for me. That's what I was drinking on the day before surgery. My BMI when I started was 36. Today it is 31.4. I can't believe it. This is wonderful. I had 1/4 c of fat free greek yogurt for lunch today and it was so good! I am going to have to get some protein powder though because it is going to be ahrder to get the protein without the shakes. My post op diet says no more shakes once you start soft food. Today was my first day of soft food and it went great. This is the best decision I have made in a very very long time.
  4. WoooHoooo! I'm so happy for you! So glad you are feeling better. I'm doing good. Still working on getting enough water in. I did start walking and got tired, but it was good. My dogs loved it!I broke in the 180's today!!!! It feels wonderful!
  5. Hi Steph, How are you doing? Better, I hope.
  6. My doc said not to rush it on the shakes. So you're doing good. Slow going is the way for us now when it comes to eating.
  7. 219! Wooo-hoooo! What a drop! I am doing a little better each day. Today I started to have gas pains, though. I am planning a walk when it warms up outside. I finally got back to my pre-surgery weight today-194. I had gained 10 lbs during surgery and now have lost that. how's the nausea?
  8. Each day is getting better. I'm down to 219 this morning. How are you feeling?
  9. I have read that the nausea will definitely pass, but it could take a few weeks. I hope not in your case. I hate being nauseated almost more than having pain. Hang in there. I hope the fam isn't causing your nausea!
  10. I stayed 3 days. Super bad nausea. Praying it will pass. Glad you are doing well.
  11. Hi Steph,

    Are you home yet? I came home the next day. so far doing pretty good with the pain. The challenge is getting enough water in. sips and more sips do add up. it just seems like forever to get a bottle of water down. Are you ok?

  12. I'm so glad you feel better. It is a hard thing to learn to take care of ourselves. I am so happy we are doing it now. better now than never, right! I understand about the marriage, too. it can still work, if that's what you want. I am also the breadwinner in my family. My husband is disabled, but does not have a disability check because he never filed. When we married, 10 years ago, I tried to get him disability, but it had been too long since he had worked and couldn't qualify. now we wait until he is 65 for social security. We have had some rough times because of it, but all in all, I am now ok with it. He started to make furniture and do small jobs that he can handle when able. So he is bringing in a little money. As long as he tries, I am ok. More money would be good, but we have balanced it out. Good luck with that. Tomorrow at this time we should be finished with our surgeries! What time do you have to be there? I have to be there at 0600. Surgery is at 0800. Best wishes. I know you'll do great!
  13. Hi Steph,

    I am excited. I feel happy and full of energy today, just knowing that I WILL finally be able to loose this weight and keep it off!!!! It is really a wonderful thing to try to comprehend, although it isn't easy to really believe it. I am trusting what I have read, what people on this forum have said and my gut (LOL). It feels right. It feels doable. Happier times ahead. My hubby & I are planning a Mexican cruise in late September. I keep thinking, I'll be able to go out to the pool without feeling like I stick out because I'm so big. I think of the fun clothes I can buy for the trip...sleeveless sundresses! OMG, I am so excited. Just with the pre op weight I have lost so far, I have almost quit snoring. So, I know my sleep apnea will go away and my heart problems because of it won't get worse. That makes me very happy! I can't wait to share our weight loss stories...how fun!!!! How are you feeling?
  14. Thanks! I'm starting to get excited? You??
  15. Hang in there Steph. At my pre op visit, the surgeon told my husband that less than 1% of the people having the sleeve have complications. Pretty good odds you'll be fine. Our surgery is the same day. I have to be at the hospital at 6 am! Today I saw my friend who had surgery in April. She has lost over 80 lbs and looks like a million bucks. Her smile is bigger, she is happier. She is down to 166 lbs now and wants to lose just 20 lbs more. That will be us in a few months. Do not despair. You are doing the right thing.
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