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Heart Burn

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Quote Originally Posted by 1mejohnson View Post
Hello Everyone,

I am now 13 weeks out of surgery (4/6/2011); things are going great, the weight is coming off, and I am learning foods I can and cannot tolerate - mostly by trial and error........or in this case vomit - but nonetheless, still learning !!
Has one experienced heart burn? I am experiencing this and have never (prior to surgery) before, I mostly feel it in the upper part of my throat, it really burns the back of my throat. Greek yogurt (chobani) seems to help a lot, but temporarily. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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  1. llf321's Avatar
    While I've not had the surgery yet, I do remember people saying this is fairly common. I've heard several people say it went away once they started medicine for it. Ask your dr for something ...