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Still dont have a clue on what to eat

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Hey family need some help!!! Im 4 months out from surgery and I am still having issues in what to eat.. Let me say I am sick n tiredof soup. I eat a lil chicken but it gives me discomfort. I used to love spicy food now cannot tolerate it at all. So need some receipe ideas.. Please share what u got

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  1. Sleeve12's Avatar
    My favorite is cottage cheese. Lite cool whip and SF jello mixed together. If you use orange jello you can also add mandarin oranges with peach jello peaches. Not usually a CC fan but this is good and satisfies my sweet tooth.
  2. tyler's Avatar
    I understand completely, I am about 7 weeks and cant tolerate any meat and pureering casseroles etc etc no cant stomach it at all. Do like quiche that goes down well even the crust but my friend made a crustless one which was nice, cruskits with curried egg is ok for breaky or lunch, but otherwise I am so stuck and sick of preparing meals and they wont go down , causing terrible pain so I bring it up again , if I never had bullimia I have now, or so it feels the same.And so over soup especially since its hot over here now, soup for summer nah. But going in for another dilatation via a gastroscope maybe you need one its just a gentle stretching of the stomach to allow food to be consumed, 4 months out I would be inquiring about it. Good luck.
  3. TonyaSitler's Avatar
    At 4 months out you should be on regular food and able to eat whatever doesn't make you uncomfortable but in smaller portions.
  4. Letizia81's Avatar
    Have you try fish seafood for me had been great. I'm almost 2 months out and that's pretty much what I have. I have 3 of my favorite fish recepies please send me a message if you will like them.
  5. ninaricci46's Avatar
    I buy large packets of frozen shrimp from Costco and use a few teaspoons of Thomy Mayo with it.
    Go on MyFitnessPal.com... this is really worth it.
    I know it is a little cumbersome working around the site to set it all up. It is really worth your while doing it. All the food you eat will be on there and you can count your calories, fat and carbs on there.
    It will calculate your excersize as well....
    Basically, you need to eat protein, carb and fat to live... work out what you like. I lived on baby food for the first few weeks as I had no clue what to eat as most things did not sit well or came back out.. so chicken clear broth and baby apple... until I tried a few shrimps and now try and do 3oz of them with a little mayo and tomato sause. Cottage cheese, feta cheese etc....
    Hope this helped
  6. overweighttoolong's Avatar
    There are many things you "should" be able to tolerate, as for meats try cooking chicken or pork in the crockpot all day this makes the meat extremely tender and easier to tolerate, also make sure the meat is moistened, don't eat it dry makes it harder to digest. Eggs - hard boiled and make into egg salad with a bit of non-fat mayo, egg white omlets and add what veggies or meat sounds good, add cheese for even more protein. I find deli meats work good for me (have to be careful of how much though due to high sodium), oatmeal, cream of wheat, last night for dinner I made the family tacos and I took the taco meat added cheese and taco sauce to it and it was divine. Hopefully some of this helps and sparks some ideas for you.
  7. Readysetgo!'s Avatar
    I love my cottage cheese, greek yogurt,eggs scrambled with some picante sauce on them. Tried pork chops that I had slow cooked all day with cream of mushroom soup. I was so full after three small bits. I havent been full since I was sleeved on 9-28. Not sure I liked the feeling. Refried beans with a little cheese went down well. Laughing cow cheese and Baby bell cheese. Thats about it. I use to love jello,but just can't stomach it since surgery. Just the smell makes me ill.
  8. Wandy44's Avatar
    My favorite is mash Califlower. Cream ground turkey does well. Your Dr should have given you a diet plan to follow till your 6 months in. I still do lots of Advocare Protein Shakes with Banana too..Good Luck