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I am starting a success group in the Eugene, Or. Area

  1. fabmassuse
    I am starting a success group in the Eugene, Or. area. Everyone welcome. I would love to meet once a week to share our stories of our lives since surgery, both the good and ugly. I would love to meet either over tea or a walk along the Willamette River. Would the larger group like to meet in Early AM or an evening escapade? I look forward to meeting so many more people who are living this lifestyle.
    In gratitude,
  2. BBLovesBB
    Hi terry how are things going. .? I was your roommate in Mexico you are so lucky to live ln an environment condusive to living out your heritage nice to have met youSo long!
  3. fabmassuse
    Hello, How are you? I am happy to see you located me... I never was able to catch up with you to chat once I went and found a room away from that infernal disco.... I didn't move to be rude... I just couldn't handle that disco another night... sorry if you took it personal!
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