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Finally broke the under 200!

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Well, it's about time! I have been hovering between 203 and 200 for the last 7-8 weeks. I admit, I haven't been doing EVERYTHING right, exactly....and I am sporadic about 'exercising'. But as of Monday (4/15), I finally broke to the 199 side and didn't go back up. Whereas, I had hit it twice in the last couple of weeks, only to go back up 2-4 pounds. You all know how that works! I know I'm on the way down for sure now, since today I'm on the bottom of 198 (198.2).

I know I've been losing inches, because I can feel it in my clothes. God, I hate the wrinkles that are showing in my neck. I guess I should exercise more now, lol.

I hope everything tightens up as much as possible, so a mommy make-over isn't too costly or not too much has to be overhauled. However, I may be able to get a boob job free...I was diagnosed with breast cancer and since my maternal grandmother had it in both breasts about 5 years apart, needing mastectomies, I figure I can go ahead and take care of it now..covered by ins. I am ok...it's not devastating to me...it's only about 1/2 inch in diameter and I'm totally positive that I will be alright and fine.

I do peek in on some of the posts at times. I am happy for all the ones that are on their way and that will be on this side soon. I have to say that even if I quit losing now, I'd still be happy, because my clothes are more comfortable, I feel better, my labs are all better and I'm sure they'll be even better in a couple more months. I don't feel 'matronly' anymore....
And oh yeah, I think I look a lot better too.

tty all later... Hugs

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  1. janas94's Avatar
    Jen That is GREAT!!! I would love to see 199. keep up the good work and the positive attitude!! I am sorry to hear you have breast cancer, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers keep me updated!! when was your surgery?
  2. Jomcd's Avatar
    Congratulations on the under 200' glad to know I'm not the only one struggling with not losing and staying the same weight for several weeks. I wish you the best with the breast cancer outcome, not what we ever want to face, but praise The Lord they can do something about it. I to can tell the inches are coming off, because I feel it in my clothes and its a great feeling. Just ready to be under 200 and feel like a great accomplishment has been met. Keep up the good work.
  3. Bilby's Avatar
    Congrats .... I reached it recently and am feeling great. Good luck with the exercise. Makes a big difference
  4. ladylushT's Avatar
    That great!! What a wonder attitude you have !!! I LOVE it!!!
  5. Michellee2752's Avatar
    Jen, You are beautiful! Don't let anyone tell you any different. I, too, would love to be under 200 once again. That would give me hope. I am 16 days away from surgery, and can't wait. God bless you, and hang in there. I hope you can beat the cancer, even if it means a mastectomy! Stick to what your doctor says to do (exercise)! Friend me if you would like to talk!
  6. MissouriJen's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by janas94
    Jen That is GREAT!!! I would love to see 199. keep up the good work and the positive attitude!! I am sorry to hear you have breast cancer, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers keep me updated!! when was your surgery?


    Thank you very much! I had surgery on 11/19/12. I thank you for the thoughts and prayers too. I hope you get to this side soon. I haven't seen this side of 200 in 16 years!

  7. MissouriJen's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Jomcd
    Congratulations on the under 200' glad to know I'm not the only one struggling with not losing and staying the same weight for several weeks. I wish you the best with the breast cancer outcome, not what we ever want to face, but praise The Lord they can do something about it. I to can tell the inches are coming off, because I feel it in my clothes and its a great feeling. Just ready to be under 200 and feel like a great accomplishment has been met. Keep up the good work.

    I know, right??!! I love it.... been waiting 16 years for under 200. I last 190 when I was 29 years old. sheesh. Thank you so much for the positive wishes! I'm planning on a free boob job outta this. lol

  8. MissouriJen's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Bilby
    Congrats .... I reached it recently and am feeling great. Good luck with the exercise. Makes a big difference


    Thank you! I see you didn't have the surgery, is that correct? You're doing great! And congratulations!

  9. MissouriJen's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ladylushT
    That great!! What a wonder attitude you have !!! I LOVE it!!!

    Thank you ladylush T!

    It will be all good. I will report back more often now. I forgot how much I like this forum. Now if I can just get my neck unwrinkled....

  10. MissouriJen's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Michellee2752
    Jen, You are beautiful! Don't let anyone tell you any different. I, too, would love to be under 200 once again. That would give me hope. I am 16 days away from surgery, and can't wait. God bless you, and hang in there. I hope you can beat the cancer, even if it means a mastectomy! Stick to what your doctor says to do (exercise)! Friend me if you would like to talk!
    Thank you, thank you. I will be thinking of you when you get to your date. I am so happy to finally be here. 16 years is a long time to wait for it.

    If I do have to (or opt to) have a mastectomy, it'll mean a free boob job, lol. My maternal grandmother had to have a double mastectomy 5 years apart in her 80's. She passed last year at 92.

    This sleeve has been one of the best things to ever happen to me. I am so glad that my husband agreed and that we went to Mexico. No sense in giving the insurance companies here more money and power to say no. Besides, no hoops to jump through.

    I'll message you soon.
