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Its about the journey, not the steps.

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I have decided to put the scale under the bed, way under. I am going to weigh once a month. I am entering all food in my fitness pal. I am learning my path through this. The little I am able to eat, with daily exercise, even 20 minutes. I will lose weight. I am not going to compulse about every pound. If all the crash dieting worked I would not have needed the surgery. I have to figure out how to acheive life long health and living in a bubble will not produce that. Maybe I will drop 20 lbs a month, maybe I wont. It will probably take a year, maybe more. It will happen, healthy food will assist in repairing my body mind and soul. What I do has to be something I do for life, and you know what, I am not cutting out carbs for life. I can reduce, but not eliminate.

Most of those 1-3 years in will tell you it will happen, and I for one am listening.

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  1. lotidan's Avatar
    I have been thinking about doing the same thing as well or at least dropping back to once a week. I've gone several days without dropping any weight, but I know changes are happening. I am able to wear the smallest dress that I have in my closet for the first time. So I just got to believe the changes will continue, especially since I can only eat about 1/4 cup of food at a time. Love this sleeve!
  2. ThisIs4Me's Avatar
    Good idea, not obsessing over ur scale! U can do this and y stress urself over it! Good luck 2 u
  3. Adele's Avatar
    Wonderful said and I couldn't agree more. If I had wanted to keep going with my past 30 year of doing the abusive diet cycle then I would not be sleeved today . Thank God I will never diet again! No, I will eat healthy foods (which will include little amounts of sugar, fats and carbs) BUT eating within very healthy moderation. Indeed, this is the difference between healthy eating and vicious dieting!
  4. raginredhead's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by lotidan
    I have been thinking about doing the same thing as well or at least dropping back to once a week. I've gone several days without dropping any weight, but I know changes are happening. I am able to wear the smallest dress that I have in my closet for the first time. So I just got to believe the changes will continue, especially since I can only eat about 1/4 cup of food at a time. Love this sleeve!
    I love this sleeve too. I already have more energy than before the surgery and I am three weeks out from surgery
  5. ltlsqueak's Avatar
    You sound awesome! Don't stress over the weight loss. Save it for a surprise. Best of luck to you!
  6. bikrchk's Avatar
    Dropping back to weekly weighing was the best thing I could do for myself mentally. If I need to go to monthly to keep from obsessing, I'll... try. lol (Right now I'm in a good place with once per week) It takes incredible willpower to only weigh once a month! You got this!
  7. sraebaer's Avatar
    I agree. While I often stay the same weight for days (once for almost 2 weeks!) I know it is physically impossible to not lose weight based on what I am eating. So why stress?
  8. healthier86's Avatar
    Good idea. I need to take Miya scale out of my bathroom and start weighing once a week.