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can't believe I'm saying this.....

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I've made it. I've reached my weight goal. Now, how do you stop it ? I know it's sounds funny coming from someone used to battle weight gain AND on a sleevers forum, and I know many are stalling or just not loosing as much as they thought, (been through this post-op myself ), but the scales keep pointing downwards almost on a daily basis. I know I'm lucky to do it four months only after surgery, but just wanted to know if anyone has experienced that before and if it has stabilized by itself or should I keep my chockies on standby just in case...
(Sorry for the Aussie slang, chockies means chocolate).
Many thanks.

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  1. Pip's Avatar
    Woop woop Congrats Matey
  2. niamh's Avatar
    My surgeon talked about this issue. Slow weight loss without having to increase the amount of food by going for calorie dense but foods that still have nutrient value. Rather than (just) chocolates, perhaps using foods with good fats like nuts, avocados, adding olive oil to salads, sauces etc. Good luck, I hope to get to the point where I'm wondering how to make it stop.
  3. Bilby's Avatar
    'onya mate!!!
  4. Lea's Avatar
    Increase your calories a bit.....healthy calories
  5. jennann5's Avatar
    Congratulations on reaching your goal! I agree with everyone else, increase calories slightly, with healthy options. Way to go!
  6. Scoobie61's Avatar
    Wow awesome for you! I would increase your calorie intake a couple of hundred, adding healthy choices. A friend of mine had a similar issue 7 months out and she added 200 calories a day and has been able to maintain. Hope I have similar results at 4 months. I am 3 weeks and total loss including pre op is 33 lbs. 40 more to go.
  7. aboutime4me's Avatar
    I'm nearing the end and getting to the finish goal line myself. My surgeon says the body is smarter than we are really. He's found that in many of his patients the body will naturally stop where it wants to be. I've heard people just increase their calories slightly daily and they maintain pretty easily. You can play around with that, especially being a man. Perhaps add a few more carbs and see how that works. Good luck and keep us posted.
  8. azladyrider's Avatar
    I did that too - started eating higher caloric foods and higher fat foods. Got stabilized at 105 - 108 - actually got down to 98 pounds and freaked out. That's way too small for me but I am happy as long as I can stay at 105 - 108. My friends hate that I can eat anything I want now lol But I can only eat 3 bites so ....
  9. Harts4you's Avatar
    You lost 100 pounds in 4 months !!!! Congratulations!
  10. kenya's Avatar
    Congrats waiting on my surgery date!
  11. Shirl's Avatar
    Hi! I am just curious about this post three plus years ago. How are you doing today? How is maintenance going?
  12. Pam G's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Shirl
    Hi! I am just curious about this post three plus years ago. How are you doing today? How is maintenance going?
    Yeah me too, wondering how his maintainence is going and if he bought a shirt since then.
  13. sraebaer's Avatar
    Congrats! For me it was just natural, I stopped losing when I was at a normal BMI. I've maintained for 2 years so far. I probably eat more than before, but I exercise more than before too. I never thought about calories or anything like that.

    I weigh myself every day to be sure I'm staying on track.