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Can you say SLEEEEEEVED SIDE!!!!!!

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Hey everybody thanks for your support! My day has come and gone! EVERYTHING WAS FINE!!!! THANK GOD!!! Also thanks to all of the hints and ideas that came from this forum!!! I arrived to the hospital at 0730 everyone was so nice and reassuring. My surgery was pushed back a little because the case before me took a little longer than expected. I was finally wheeled in close to noon. I remember getting on the table in the OR then LIGHTS WERE OUT!!! I don't remember anything except when they were wheeling me into my room and I was saying no WHINNING my chest hurts!! They must have given me pain medicine I was out again, When I woke up the second time I felt soo much better!! I walked the halls twice, I used my Incentive Spirometer every hour. The first day post surgery MY MOUTH WAS SO DRY!!!!! I think I used 2 bags of those mouth sponges you know the pink ones!!! Bring your own Chapstick! It's so dry in the hospital. The next day I did the "swallow test!" I thought I was gonna throw up after drinking that nasty sweet stuff!! I didn't throw up but I was "hacking" a lot! After I passed that test I got to eat breakfast. BROTH NEVER TASTED SO GOOD! YUM!! I did get my pain meds close to every four hours I was a little nauseated in the beginning with the first dose of pain meds. so each time I got something for pain I asked for nausea medicine too. I HATE TO THROW UP!!! Well I got to go home after one night at the hospital. I didn't sleep too well last night. Tonight I will sleep on my recliner. I started to last night but just missed my own bed. Well I had about 8 pillows to prop me up. Not good enough!!! I haven't be on the scale yet because I can tell I have lost weight by my robe, it's a lot looser! I have been sipping ,sipping ,sipping! My doctor was EXCELLENT!! Dr. Darin Minkin!!! I will just rest, rest, rest for two weeks and I have felt better each day since my surgery day!!! God bless all of you!!! I am so thankful for this procedure!!!! My new life is just beginning! My mom said she could see how much smaller my face is now, already!! WINNING!!!

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  1. Sexyinthecity's Avatar
    Speedy recovery!!!
  2. aboutime4me's Avatar
    Welcome to the rest of your life. Your surgery sounds much like mine in many ways. Almost a year post op for me now and it's a distant memory. Wishing you all the best for your continued recovery and nothing to do now than to drop those pounds and be healthy! Great job!
  3. Anissa Christine's Avatar
    Glad to read everything went well!

    Take care of yourself..and welcome to the sleeved side of life!
  4. Snoopy295's Avatar
    I haven't crossed over to the sleeved side till next Thursday,thanks for the info.
    Hope you have a speedy recovery!!
  5. beachgirl's Avatar
    How exciting!! Can't wait to join you!! So glad everything went so well! :-)
  6. RBean's Avatar
    I haven't crossed over to the sleeved side till May 1st, Thanks for the I for.
  7. Madiva0214's Avatar
    Speedy recovery to you
  8. CatBee's Avatar
    eeee *envy* great to know everything was smooth, happy losing!!!
  9. meshel2817's Avatar
    That's great!