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Surgery went well on 9/8/14

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Hello Everyone, I had surgery on 9/8/14 and it went well. Have some outer pains where the cuts are but other than that not to many internal. Thank God. I would like to get some ideas as to what you all ate after your surgeries? Right now I am on chicken broth, lots of water, G2. Maybe you have something creative that you ate that help you stay full. My tummy seems to growl a lot? Thank you for your help!

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  1. llburbach's Avatar
    My tummy growled a lot too. It is just all the liquid we take in is noisier in the intestines than solid foods. I did pretty much broth, jello, water, G2, and Popsicles. You sound like you are doing awesome.

  2. char602's Avatar
    Congrats! Glad you're feeling well.
  3. Fae's Avatar
    I'm glad everything went well for you. What is G2?
  4. Ema's Avatar
    So glad to know you are doing well! My surgery is this Saturday so I am right behind you. Here is hoping your recovery goes well!
  5. QueenBeauty7's Avatar
    congrats! I am glad to hear that you are recovering well, best wishes moving forward
  6. amandajane's Avatar
    Congrats on your surgery! Your stomach will make a lot of crazy noises.. it's not hunger, it's just the new stomach doing it's thing. For the first few months my stomach made crazy noises all the time- especially when I ate or drank. Sometimes, it still does! On the full liquid stage I was living on cream soup (strain the chunks if it has any), fat free/sugar free pudding and sugar free Jell-O. I also ate cream of wheat with some vanilla protein powder mixed in and it was pretty good. I was adding unflavored protein powder to everything I could to try to get some protein in early on, but that will get a little easier when you can eat real food again.
  7. Awilker1's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Fae
    I'm glad everything went well for you. What is G2?
    it is low caloried Gatorade