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In the beginning.....

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This is all so new to me...I have never done a "blog" entry before so here it goes. I received the news yesterday at my pre-op with my surgeon, Dr. Peterson, that my insurance had approved the surgery. What a momentous day in my life and still very surreal. I about hugged the benefit coordinator to pieces over that news! I will begin the pre-surgery liquid diet next week, and then will be sleeved on 9/12/12. This is all still unbelievable and dream-like to me. I have struggled the last 20 years with my weight, and have had a lot of health issues the past three years. It has been about 9 months since I first began researching WLS and now I am on the edge, fixing to jump. I am so excited to be on this journey and welcome any and all wisdom, comments, or advice. I hope to be an inspiration, supporter and motivator to others as I have found so many on the site who have inpired and motivated me.

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  1. musicmom's Avatar
    It's so exciting when the news comes and the insurance has approved it! I am really happy for you!
  2. mila's Avatar
    Great news and great first blog. You will be a welcome addition to the many wonderful people on this site.
  3. susieb's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by musicmom
    It's so exciting when the news comes and the insurance has approved it! I am really happy for you!
    Thank you so much for the sweet words and encouragement. I think I am starting to like this "blogging" thing.
  4. susieb's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by mila
    Great news and great first blog. You will be a welcome addition to the many wonderful people on this site.
    Hi Mila! Thank you so much for the compliment. I have read some about your journey and wish you continued success.